Initial Consultation & 1 Follow Up
* Follow Up paid in advance
Service Description
Initial Consultation In order to find the right homeopathic remedy for you, I need to get an understanding of you as a whole. Before our first consultation, I will e-mail you a questionnaire to answer and you have to complete it and send it back to me. You will asked questions about your particular complains and how you experience them. I will need information about your past medical history, your family history, medication, etc. We will look together for situations or events that might have contributed to your organism being out of balance. This might include either life events or physical exposure to anything your body might have reacted to. We usually discuss lifestyle, diet and general medical issues along with any changes that might be beneficial to you. Anything you say will be treated in the strictest confidence. Follow Up In the follow up consultation we will discuss the results of the treatment provided following the initial consultation. We will evaluate the benefits, we will assess the changes and we will decide if further treatment is needed.
Contact Details
Spring Park Avenue, Croydon CR0 5EJ, UK