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In the Bach Flower Remedy system there are 38 remedies.

These remedies were discovered by Dr. Edward Bach( 1886-1936),

a British doctor, bacteriologist and homeopath who was a house surgeon and a casualty medical officer at the University College Hospital in London. Dr .Bach believed that a healthy emotional life will allow your body to find its own natural state of health.

Each remedy is associated with a basic human emotion. Gentian for example is for those who suffer uncertainty, those who are easily discouraged .Taking the remedy help us overcome these feelings.

Alternative medicine offers Homeopathy and Bach Flower Remedies as two holistic approaches to the healing of mind and body.

The combination of these two holistic approaches provides outstanding results .

Whereas Homeopathy is focused curing the overall symptomsof the body and mind, the Bach Remedies are mainly focused at releasing mental and emotional imbalances.

Not only Homeopathy and Bach Flower Therapy but also modern medical science has explored the special connection between mind /emotions and body during illness and health. The use of Bach Remedies in the treatment of acute illnesses has been proved to be as helpful as it is in the treatment of chronic ones , mainly in the cases where strong mental/emotional factors are responsible for the disease.

The use of Bach Remedies at the beginning of the treatment alleviates the negative mental/emotional blockages which take up valuable energy and strengthen the vital force. A strong vital force is able to organise itself and bring to the forefront the layer of health disturbance that is the most responsible for t he current disease.

Major mental /emotional states and their perspective remedies.

1) Fear and shyness ( Mimulus)

2) Terror( Rock Rose)

3) Mental torture or worry( Agrimony)

4) Indecision(Scleranthus)

5) Indifference or boredom( Clematis)

6) Impatience (Impatiens)

7) Hopelessness(Gorse)

8) Lack of motivation (Wild Oat0

9) Mental/emotional and physical weariness( Olive)

10) Domination of others ( Vine)

11)Depression and gloom( Mustard)

12) Vexation and jealousy ( Holly)

13) Guilt and self –blame (Pine)

14) Sadness, grief, shock ( Star of Bethlehem)

15) Low self –confidence ( Larch)

16) Intolerance and criticism( Beech)

Four basic ways of using the remedies

a) PREVENTION : Keep the mind and body strong by treating mental/emotional states as they arise.

b) STOP ILLNESS AT ONSET: Acute or chronic illness can be diverted by treating the accompanying mental/emotional imbalances at the onset of illness.

c) HELP DURING ILLNESS: Overall cure is advanced by lifting the emotions, by easing pain and discomfort during the illness.

d) HELP WITH CHARACTER TRAITS THAT BRING UNHAPPINESS: Dispositions of character found undesirable can be transformed into positive aspects resulting in personal growth and better interpersonal relations.

#BachFlowerRemedy #DrEdwardBach #Homeopathy #Naturaltreatments #AKhomeopathy

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